Line 1 Research Groups: Public Policies, Social Movements and Territories


DIDRA - Action Research Group Devices, Institutions and Rural Development

Leader: Livio Sergio Dias Claudino

The Group aims to bring together multidisciplinary studies that make it possible to understand and formulate interventional proposals for Sustainable Rural Development in the context of family farming, especially peasant-based, through mechanisms related to Agroecology and access to the Markets, and to advance in understanding how devices (images, speeches, organizations, etc.) cause institutions, understood here to emerge, function, disappear or perpetuate here in the light of specific theories like the Original Institutional Economic, and others like the NEI.


GEPIATI-Interdisciplinary Study and Research Group on Environment, Territory and Interculturality

Leader: Eliana Teles Rodrigues


GEDAF - Study Group on the Diversity of Family Farming

Leader: Aquiles Vasconcelos Simões

GEDAF develops research-training actions in close connection with local development processes, in an interdisciplinary perspective. Its privileged region of work is Baixo Tocantins, state of Pará, where from a solid partnership with APACC (Paraense Association of Support to Needy Communities) and rural workers' organizations (Colony of fishermen, Unions, Rural Family Houses) contributes to the formulation and implementation of initiatives to strengthen peasant family production, considering their diversity and the complexity of man-nature and State-society-territory relations as processes that allow reflection and action on rural development. The group favors the practice of social intervention in its research, extension and training activities, based on the paradigm of agro-socio-environmental development. GEDAF and APACC jointly develop the program SORDAM - Amazonian Rural Societies and Agrarian Development.


GEPEBATO - Study and Research Group on Educational Policies in the Baixo Tocantins Region

Leader: Alexandre Augusto Cals e Souza

The Research Group appears as a need to study and research the Educational Policies that are being implemented in the municipalities that make up the Baixo Tocantins region in the State of Pará.


GEPESEED - Society, State and Education: municipal governments and rural education

Leader: Afonso Welliton de Sousa Nascimento

Conducting research and extension seeking to build identities and knowledge of the waters with the riverside populations in order to discuss the role of the State in the development of public educational policies, focusing on analysis of municipal management and experiences of education in the field, is an investigative need of fundamental importance for the Baixo Tocantins micro-region, since it will enable a greater articulation between the theoretical-conceptual discussions that will permeate all research development and the operationalization of educational policies in the municipalities under study. We believe that this theoretical-empirical articulation will bring significant advances in terms of theoretical productions that enable us to understand in depth the issue of the educational issue of the municipalities, as well as the education of the countryside.


Social Movements, Popular Education and School

Leader: Eliane Dayse Pontes Furtado

Member: José Ribamar Furtado de Souza

The group's work focuses on different forms of education that relate to social movements and popular education, and that are expressed not only in the school space, but in the various forms of manifestation of social movements in the countryside. It recognizes that these create conditions for the production and appropriation of knowledge, aiming at a critical understanding of its reality. In this context, the educational dimension appears as the most important object. The investigations aim to offer theoretical and methodological support, both in the sphere of the formulation of educational policies, and in the implementation of educational programs appropriate to the reality of the rural population. Likewise, they seek to rescue the pedagogical action carried out in this context, emphasizing the education of the educator, his pedagogical practice and his living and working conditions, with regard to the education of young people and adults and Rural Education.


GESTAMAZON - State and Education in the Amazon

Leader: Orlando Nobre Bezerra de Souza

Leader: Ney Cristina Monteiro de Oliveira

The Study and Research Group on State and Education in the Amazon (GESTAMAZON), aims to analyze the relationship between the State and Society, highlighting the reforms of the capitalist state and the policies of state power in the sphere of Education. The group provides studies on the relationship between the State and social movements in the Amazon, Institutional Evaluation and Higher Education. The group works in teaching, research and extension, besides dedicating itself to the orientation of monographs and dissertations at UFPA and TCCs. the group developed activities of the specialization course of EJA Privados de Liberdade. Currently develops Research through the Project entitled "The logic of Educational Programs in the configuration of Educational Policies in Brazil and Portugal: Implications for Governance and school practices.


Biodiversity and Sustainability Studies in the Tocantina Amazon

Leader: Yvens Ely Martins Cordeiro

By the principles of modernization, the use and preservation of natural resources that must happen in balance in order to guarantee the principles of sustainability in rural areas and the viability of future generations. The repercussions in the Tocantina Amazon on ethnobiodiversity and socio-biodiversity deserve attention from the main research institutions in Northern Brazil, and makes the assessment of the environmental impacts caused by economic activities, inherent to the expansion of human action on land, impose the need for monitoring continuous and extremely dynamic. The activities of this Research Group focus on ethnopedological, ethnobotanical and ethno-zoological studies. Thus, the information generated will allow the development of sustainable technologies for the planting and management of natural resources, generating income for the rural communities of Baixo Tocantins.


Memory, Teacher Education and Technology

Leader: Mara Rita Duarte de Oliveira

Gepeme Research Group develops research on Teachers' Memory, teacher training, rural education, peasant culture and themes related to ethnic-racial cultural diversity.



Line 2 Research Groups: Identities: Languages, Practices and Representations


ESPERHI - Aesthetics, Performances and Hybridities

Leader: Carlos Augusto Nascimento Sarmento-Pantoja

The research group brings together researchers from the areas of literary, cinematographic and artistic aesthetics in general, in addition to developing analytical practices for the creation and dissemination of Performances linked to the studies of Hybridization between arts, cultures, territories and identities. All based on the analysis of such relationships with the concepts of resistance, memory, silence and trauma, directly linked to the fight against authoritarian regimes in Brazil and the Southern Cone.


GEPEGE - Gender and Education Study and Research Group

Leader: Joyce Otânia Seixas Ribeiro

The activities developed by GEPEGE have the following repercussions: 1. Study Group - with weekly meetings for reading and debates, aiming at the academic formation of the Group; 2. Extension - conducting cultural deformation courses in state and municipal public schools (with Pibex assistance); 3. Teaching - bibliographic update; orientation of IC scholarship, TCCs, monographs and dissertations; 4. Publication - Proceedings of national / international events, organization of collections, publication of articles in periodicals and book chapters; 5. Research - development of research activities (with PIBIC assistance). 6. Participation in regional, national and international events with presentation of papers. 7. Organization of local and national scientific events.


EXPERIMENTATIONS: Study and Research Group on Curriculum, Subjectivity and Sexuality in Basic Education

Leader: Vilma Nonato de Brício

The Group intends to strengthen the debate on Curriculum, subjectivities and sexualities in basic education to problematize the historical constitution of the subjects, questioning the different practices of normalization and valuing the multiple forms of resistance. In view of the current scenario of threat to freedoms, the secular State, the withdrawal of rights that impact our teaching activities and as researchers, it is increasingly important to bring up a debate that highlights the multiple constitutions of gender and sexuality experienced in the school environment.


VISAGEM - Study Group on Visual and Image Anthropology

Leader: Denise Machado Cardoso

VISAGEM proposes, based on annual planning and weekly meetings, to involve students and researchers from undergraduate and graduate courses in teaching, research and extension activities that contribute to the expansion of the interdisciplinary use of Visual Anthropology. Precisely, the objective is to conduct research on the uses of Visual Anthropology, research on the work and the collection of prof. Napoleão Figueiredo (anthropologist who started the UFPA Anthropology Laboratory), reflections on the experiences of researchers who use images in their investigations, systematization of reports of extension practices and teaching by teachers from HEIs in the state of Pará, organization and participation academic and artistic events, among other goals. Consequently, the aim is to overcome a gap in a research group that provides interdisciplinary actions on the uses, practices and knowledge of Visual Anthropology in the State of Pará, and perhaps in Panamazônia.


NARRARES - Studies on the Resistance Narrative

Leader: Tânia Maria Pereira Sarmento-Pantoja

Formed by researchers, teachers and students, coming from several higher education institutions, the research group NARRARES-Studies on Narrative of Resistance, initially appeared as a research group "Investigations in Contemporary Literature of Portuguese Language", has, above all, aimed at deepening of studies on narrative, more specifically, on literary, theatrical and cinematographic narratives crossed by resistance as a thematic and / or aesthetic category. Along this path, he has sought to develop investigations based on the following topics: 1) forms and repertoires of the post-utopian narrative with a focus on intertextual and semiotic relations between the fictional narrative and the historical narrative; 2) forms and repertoires of the resistance narrative, particularly the study of dystopias and post-dictatorial narratives (literature, theater and cinema). In this topic, the expressive forms and the relations of the fictional narrative with categories such as utopia, dystopia, authoritarianism, power, trauma and catastrophe have been studied. 3) study of the relationships between artistic and aesthetic categories and resistance. In order to promote rapprochement between researchers interested in the debate on these topics, the group organized and carried out the following events: - Interinstitutional Colloquium Antônio Callado, in 2007, held at the Federal University of Pará, Abaetetuba Campus. - Seminar on Power and Resistance in Brazilian Post-Dictatorial Literature, held in 2008, at the Federal University of Pará, Abaetetuba Campus. - I Resistance Literature and Cinema Exhibition, held at the State University of Pará, in 2008.


Study and Research Group on Violence in Schools

Leader: Vivian dos Santos Lobato